Please ensure that your hand luggage is within the maximum dimensions and quantity permitted by your airline.

Arrivals & Departures History

Airline Time From Flight Status Changes
Flights for Tuesday 1st September 2020
Mail/Newspapers 06:30 Mail NPT22G
31/08/2020 07:31: On Time
01/09/2020 06:31: Landed 06:31
07:40 Isle Of Man VMP689
Aurigny 09:20 Alderney GR217
31/08/2020 10:21: On Time
01/09/2020 08:32: Flight Delayed
01/09/2020 10:40: Expected at 10:50
01/09/2020 10:50: Landed 10:49
Aurigny 09:55 Southampton GR651
31/08/2020 10:56: On Time
01/09/2020 09:25: Flight Delayed
01/09/2020 10:06: Expected at 10:40
01/09/2020 10:35: Landed 10:33
Aurigny 12:35 Alderney GR221
31/08/2020 13:36: On Time
01/09/2020 12:37: Approx 13:20
01/09/2020 13:30: Expected at 13:35
01/09/2020 13:41: Landed 13:40
Aurigny 14:30 Manchester GR675
31/08/2020 16:01: On Time
01/09/2020 12:36: Approx 14:50
01/09/2020 14:19: Approx 15:00
01/09/2020 14:50: Landed 14:49
Aurigny 10:50 Alderney GR219
31/08/2020 16:04: On Time
01/09/2020 11:09: Approx 12:20
01/09/2020 12:22: Landed 12:20
Aurigny 17:20 Alderney GR227
31/08/2020 18:21: On Time
01/09/2020 17:00: Landed 16:59
Aurigny 18:50 Alderney GR229
31/08/2020 19:51: On Time
01/09/2020 18:15: Expected at 18:20
01/09/2020 18:22: Landed 18:21
Aurigny 19:25 Southampton GR661
31/08/2020 20:26: On Time
01/09/2020 18:49: Expected at 19:20
01/09/2020 19:15: Landed 19:14
Aurigny 15:45 Guernsey GR225
01/09/2020 13:47: On Time
01/09/2020 15:29: Landed 15:29
01/09/2020 16:23: Landed 16:21
01/09/2020 16:27: Landed 15:28
No flights matching your search criteria were found.
    Airline Time To Flight Status Changes
    Tuesday 1st September 2020
    Aurigny 07:45 Southampton GR650
    31/08/2020 08:46: On Time
    01/09/2020 06:22: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 07:06: Go To Door A , Gate 3
    01/09/2020 07:32: Go To Door D , Gate 3
    01/09/2020 07:58: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 08:45: Airborne at 08:44
    Aurigny 08:15 Alderney GR216
    31/08/2020 09:16: On Time
    01/09/2020 06:46: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 07:33: Go To Door A , Gate 2
    01/09/2020 07:58: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 08:32: flight delayed due tech, next info 09:00
    01/09/2020 09:04: Flight Delayed Due tech, Next info 09:30
    01/09/2020 10:07: Airborne at 10:06
    08:35 Luton VMP689
    Aurigny 11:30 Alderney GR220
    31/08/2020 12:31: On Time
    01/09/2020 10:31: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 10:56: Go To Departures
    01/09/2020 11:08: Delayed To 13:00
    01/09/2020 12:36: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 12:54: Airborne at 12:54
    Aurigny 10:30 Manchester GR674
    31/08/2020 15:59: On Time
    01/09/2020 08:31: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 09:56: Go To Departures
    01/09/2020 10:07: Flight Delayed ETD 11:15
    01/09/2020 10:39: Go To Door D , Gate 3
    01/09/2020 11:08: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 11:28: Airborne at 11:27
    Aurigny 09:45 Alderney GR218
    31/08/2020 16:03: On Time
    01/09/2020 08:00: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 09:11: Go To Departures
    01/09/2020 09:32: Delayed To 11:00
    01/09/2020 10:12: DELAYED TILL 11:30
    01/09/2020 10:39: Go To Door A , Gate 2
    01/09/2020 11:08: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 11:25: Airborne at 11:23
    Aurigny 16:15 Alderney GR226
    31/08/2020 17:16: On Time
    01/09/2020 14:16: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 15:41: Go To Departures
    01/09/2020 15:45: Go To Door A , Gate 1
    01/09/2020 15:53: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 16:44: Airborne at 16:42
    Aurigny 17:00 Southampton GR660
    31/08/2020 18:01: On Time
    01/09/2020 15:16: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 16:26: Go To Departures
    01/09/2020 16:27: Go To Door A , Gate 2
    01/09/2020 16:53: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 17:11: Airborne at 17:10
    Aurigny 17:45 Alderney GR228
    31/08/2020 18:46: On Time
    01/09/2020 16:46: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 17:11: Go To Departures
    01/09/2020 17:18: Go To Door A , Gate 1
    01/09/2020 17:31: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 17:47: Airborne at 17:46
    Mail/Newspapers 19:40 Mail NPT22B
    31/08/2020 20:41: On Time
    01/09/2020 20:02: Airborne at 20:01
    Aurigny 14:40 Alderney GR224
    01/09/2020 13:46: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    01/09/2020 14:06: Go To Departures
    01/09/2020 14:27: Door and Gate Closed
    01/09/2020 14:46: Airborne at 14:45
    No flights matching your search criteria were found.