Please ensure that your hand luggage is within the maximum dimensions and quantity permitted by your airline.

Arrivals & Departures History

Airline Time From Flight Status Changes
Flights for Tuesday 21st January 2025
Mail/Newspapers 06:30 Mail NPT22G
20/01/2025 07:31: On Time
21/01/2025 11:54: Flight Delayed
Blue Islands 07:55 Jersey SI4407
20/01/2025 08:56: On Time
21/01/2025 08:35: Flight Delayed
21/01/2025 12:59: Expected at 13:00
21/01/2025 13:17: Landed 13:16
Aurigny 08:30 Alderney GR201
20/01/2025 09:31: On Time
21/01/2025 07:09: Flight Delayed
21/01/2025 10:36: Cancelled
Aurigny Blue Islands Loganair 08:55 Southampton GR651, SI7651, LM2651
20/01/2025 09:56: On Time
21/01/2025 08:13: Expected at 08:45
21/01/2025 08:49: Landed 08:47
Aurigny 09:40 London Gatwick GR601
20/01/2025 10:41: On Time
21/01/2025 08:57: Expected at 09:40
21/01/2025 09:49: Landed 09:48
Aurigny 12:10 London Gatwick GR603
20/01/2025 13:11: On Time
21/01/2025 11:08: Expected at 11:55
21/01/2025 11:48: Landed 11:47
Aurigny 12:30 Alderney GR205
20/01/2025 13:31: On Time
21/01/2025 08:02: Flight Delayed
21/01/2025 16:20: Landed 16:19
Aurigny 12:55 London Gatwick GR605
20/01/2025 13:56: On Time
21/01/2025 12:08: Expected at 12:55
21/01/2025 12:49: Landed 12:48
Aurigny 14:00 Birmingham GR705
20/01/2025 15:02: On Time
21/01/2025 13:16: Expected at 13:45
21/01/2025 13:44: Landed 13:43
Aurigny 16:40 Alderney GR209
20/01/2025 17:41: On Time
21/01/2025 13:43: Flight Delayed
21/01/2025 17:50: Expected at 17:55
21/01/2025 18:02: Landed 18:01
Aurigny 16:40 Manchester GR679
20/01/2025 17:41: On Time
21/01/2025 15:52: Expected at 16:20
21/01/2025 16:17: Landed 16:16
Aurigny 16:45 Bristol, Exeter GR642
20/01/2025 17:46: On Time
21/01/2025 16:14: Expected at 16:40
21/01/2025 17:08: Landed 16:36
Aurigny 17:35 London Gatwick GR607
20/01/2025 18:36: On Time
21/01/2025 16:37: Expected at 17:15
21/01/2025 17:23: Landed 17:21
Blue Islands 17:50 Jersey SI4433
20/01/2025 18:51: On Time
21/01/2025 17:35: Expected at 17:40
21/01/2025 17:46: Landed 17:45
Aurigny 18:35 Alderney GR215
20/01/2025 19:36: On Time
21/01/2025 17:09: Cancelled
Aurigny 20:05 London Gatwick GR609
20/01/2025 21:06: On Time
21/01/2025 19:14: Expected at 20:00
21/01/2025 19:55: Landed 19:53
Blue Islands Aurigny Loganair 20:40 Southampton SI3343, GR1343, LM2343
20/01/2025 21:41: On Time
21/01/2025 19:54: Expected at 20:20
21/01/2025 20:27: Landed 20:26
Aurigny 20:50 London Gatwick GR611
20/01/2025 21:51: On Time
21/01/2025 19:41: Expected at 20:20
21/01/2025 20:22: Landed 20:21
21/01/2025 20:25: Landed 20:24
No flights matching your search criteria were found.
    Airline Time To Flight Status Changes
    Tuesday 21st January 2025
    Aurigny Blue Islands Loganair 06:55 Southampton GR650, SI7650, LM2650
    20/01/2025 07:56: On Time
    21/01/2025 05:31: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 06:18: Go To Door A , Gate 1
    21/01/2025 06:37: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 06:57: Airborne at 06:56
    Aurigny 07:00 London Gatwick GR600
    20/01/2025 08:01: On Time
    21/01/2025 05:31: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 06:19: Go To Door E , Gate 3
    21/01/2025 06:43: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 07:30: Airborne at 07:28
    Aurigny 07:25 Alderney GR200
    20/01/2025 08:26: On Time
    21/01/2025 05:31: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 06:45: Flight Delayed Next Info 07:30
    21/01/2025 07:20: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 09:00
    21/01/2025 09:11: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 10:00
    21/01/2025 10:00: Flight Delayed. Next Info at 11:00
    21/01/2025 10:52: Cancelled
    Blue Islands 08:20 Jersey SI4408
    20/01/2025 09:21: On Time
    21/01/2025 06:51: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 07:44: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 08:30
    21/01/2025 08:33: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 09:00
    21/01/2025 08:35: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 10:00
    21/01/2025 10:00: Flight Delayed. Next Info at 11:00
    21/01/2025 11:06: Flight Delayed, Next Info 12:00
    21/01/2025 11:45: Flight Delayed New ETD 13:40
    21/01/2025 13:03: Go To Door E , Gate 2
    21/01/2025 13:12: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 13:33: Airborne at 13:32
    Aurigny 08:55 Alderney GR202
    20/01/2025 09:56: On Time
    21/01/2025 06:56: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 08:13: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 09:00
    21/01/2025 09:11: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 10:00
    21/01/2025 10:01: Flight Delayed. Next Info at 11:00
    21/01/2025 10:36: Cancelled
    21/01/2025 10:54: Final Call
    21/01/2025 10:56: Flight Delayed Next 11:30
    21/01/2025 10:57: Flight Delayed Next Info 12:00
    21/01/2025 11:27: Flight Delayed, Next Info 12:00
    21/01/2025 11:47: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 13:00
    21/01/2025 13:39: Airborne at 13:38
    Aurigny 09:35 London Gatwick GR602
    20/01/2025 10:36: On Time
    21/01/2025 07:36: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 08:59: Go To Door E , Gate 3
    21/01/2025 09:08: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 09:33: Airborne at 09:32
    Aurigny 10:20 London Gatwick GR604
    20/01/2025 11:21: On Time
    21/01/2025 08:21: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 09:46: Go To Departures
    21/01/2025 09:47: Go To Door A , Gate 1
    21/01/2025 10:17: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 10:31: Airborne at 10:29
    Aurigny 10:50 Birmingham GR704
    20/01/2025 11:51: On Time
    21/01/2025 08:51: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 10:17: Go To Door A , Gate 2
    21/01/2025 10:31: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 10:48: Airborne at 10:46
    Aurigny 12:45 Manchester GR678
    20/01/2025 13:46: On Time
    21/01/2025 10:46: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 12:07: Go To Door A , Gate 2
    21/01/2025 12:24: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 12:52: Airborne at 12:51
    Aurigny 13:10 Alderney GR206
    20/01/2025 14:11: On Time
    21/01/2025 11:11: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 11:48: Flight Delayed Due Weather Next Info 13:00
    21/01/2025 14:41: Flight Delayed - New ETD 17:30
    21/01/2025 16:34: Go To Door A , Gate 4
    21/01/2025 16:58: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 17:02: Airborne at 17:00
    Aurigny 13:35 Exeter, Bristol GR642
    20/01/2025 14:36: On Time
    21/01/2025 11:36: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 12:58: Go To Door A , Gate 1
    21/01/2025 13:24: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 13:31: Airborne at 13:30
    Aurigny 14:50 London Gatwick GR606
    20/01/2025 15:51: On Time
    21/01/2025 12:51: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 14:16: Go To Door E , Gate 3
    21/01/2025 14:40: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 14:58: Airborne at 14:57
    Blue Islands 16:45 Jersey SI4432
    20/01/2025 17:46: On Time
    21/01/2025 15:16: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 16:11: Go To Departures
    21/01/2025 16:26: Go To Door E , Gate 6
    21/01/2025 16:34: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 16:55: Airborne at 16:54
    Aurigny 17:25 London Gatwick GR608
    20/01/2025 18:26: On Time
    21/01/2025 15:27: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 16:39: Go To Door E , Gate 3
    21/01/2025 17:11: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 17:47: Airborne at 17:46
    Aurigny 17:30 Alderney GR214
    20/01/2025 18:31: On Time
    21/01/2025 15:31: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 16:56: Go To Departures
    21/01/2025 17:09: Cancelled
    Aurigny 18:10 London Gatwick GR610
    20/01/2025 19:11: On Time
    21/01/2025 16:11: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 17:33: Go To Door A , Gate 2
    21/01/2025 17:48: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 18:08: Airborne at 18:08
    Blue Islands Aurigny Loganair 18:20 Southampton SI3342, GR1342, LM2342
    20/01/2025 19:21: On Time
    21/01/2025 16:51: Check In Open ,Go To Departure Lounge
    21/01/2025 17:38: Go To Door E , Gate 3
    21/01/2025 18:02: Door and Gate Closed
    21/01/2025 18:48: Airborne at 18:46
    Mail/Newspapers 19:40 Mail NPT22B
    No flights matching your search criteria were found.