Guernsey Airport community #runstherunways for Aviation Action
10th December 2020
Guernsey Airport staff and business partners (Aurigny, Aiglle Flight Support, ASG, Blue Islands, G4S, Guernsey Aero Club, Guernsey Airport Duty Free and Channel Islands Air Search) ran or supported the run of the 1583-metre distance of the runway for the national charity Aviation Action.
51 people who work at the airport in a range of departments and business partners carried out the charity’s Run the Runways challenge and raised £550.
To reflect the Bailiwick bubble for COVID-19, the airport was able host a larger gathering of people and gaps in commercial flight schedules to accommodate this event on the runway.
Throughout the month of December 2020, those taking part in the challenge have to run the various length of the runways and airports taking part from Barra in Scotland to Land’s End to London Gatwick on each day raising money for the charity.
Guernsey Ports’ Safety and Compliance Manager Matt Capazario said:
“We’ve been really pleased with the turnout for today’s event at the airport. It was great to see the support and enthusiasm of those who took part. Special thanks should go to the various airport teams and business partners who helped and contributed to this event to ensure it happened on this specific day - December 10 2020.”
Head of Airside Operations for Guernsey Airport Dan Townsend said:
“As a corporate sponsor of Aviation Action, Guernsey Ports recognise the Aviation Action’s work is vital to the sector that has seen a significant downturn in the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bailiwick has not been immune to the effects of the downturn in aviation due to COVID-19. The amount raised shows Guernsey Airport can do its bit to help others in the aviation industry.”
The mission of Aviation Action is to provide personal and professional help and support to the people who really make aviation fly.
For more information and how to donate, please visit